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Troop Announcements 12/9/2020

Fri. 12/11: Troop Meeting (7:00-8:30 Tuckamirgen Park Pavilion)
Fri. 12/18: Troop Meeting Xmas Party, (7:00-8:30 St Mags)
Sat. 1/2/2021: Spring Meeting Planning (10:00 am -12:00 pm St. Mags) Dependent on State COVID restrictions 
Stay Tuned!Fri. 1/8: Troop Meeting (7:00-8:30 TBD)
Fri. 1/15: Troop Meeting (7:00-8:30 St Mags)
Fri. 1/22: Troop Meeting (7:00-8:30 TBD)
Fri. 1/29: Troop Meeting (7:00-8:30 St Mags)
Sat. 1/30: Tentative Klondike Campout (day event only)
*Note the photo above is an early morning image looking up at the Round Valley Youth Center in Lebanon, NJ.
Scoutbook year calendar
Theme this month is climbing!
Due to State COVID restrictions, the Troop meeting will be held outdoors of max 25. If we exceed the group outdoor limit we will have to break into two separate groups. 
Dress in layers and for cold temperatures.
Everyone’s temperature will be taken before the meeting and all participants must have masks and wear them as often as possible especially when safe distancing cannot be maintained. When at St. Mags. will be limiting outdoor group to 25 with indoor of 10 to meet State restrictions. Masks must be worn at all times indoors and hand sanitizer will be made available for frequent cleaning of hands and shared items.
First year scouts and parents should attend our last Troop meeting on 12/18 where Dr. Fox will be reviewing the Cyberchip safety rank advancement requirement. This requirement needs to be performed with parent(s) and the scout and has always a challenging requirement to complete. Please try to attend and encourage your scout to advance in rank. If you cannot attend please review the Cyberchip Scout rank requirement with your scout at home.
Monthly Meeting Plans
A Scout is Helpful, Friendly, Courteous and Kind. 
Every year the Troop works with our Charter, St. Magdalens, providing for a family in need during Christmas. Each scout is asked to bring in a monetary (check or cash) donation that will be used to purchase gifts and/or gift cards for a designated family in the church. Please bring your donations to this Friday’s 12/11 meeting and place in the donation box. Checks can be made out to BSA Troop 194.
Thank you!
We are sorry to say the climbing campout previously scheduled for 12/12 has been CANCELED due to concerns over COVID and lack of adults interested in being trained.
Thank youto everyone who participated in our wreath sale! 
We still have 4 wreaths available:
2 Classic $26/ each2 Victorian $32/ each
Good news, the wreath sale continues online! Customers from far away can also order not just wreaths, but other things as well. They would put in the code TR194NJ001 on and we will get $8 back on anything they order. Those items would be directly to them. Prices are higher this way though!
Since our annual medical form collection did not happen for summer camp (thank you COVID), we are collecting them at this time. I will be collecting Parts A and B only. (so you don’t need a doctor’s visit). If you have not already done so, please bring your forms to the next troop meeting.
It is imperative that all scouts & adults submit their medical paperwork in order to attend future campouts. No scout or adult will be permitted to attend without the proper medical forms. Medical Forms Required (Scouts & Adults) – the following are needed to attend:(3) copies of the front and back of Medical Insurance card.
Your Pharmacy name and phone number.
(3) copies of Parts A, B1, and B2 of the Medical Form.(3) copies of your up to date Immunization Record (from your medical doctor preferably) 
Here is the link to download the required medical forms.  Medical form download
Any questions, please contact Cathy Runk at (908) 208-3916 or If you are not going to be at the meeting, please contact me to coordinate another time. 
Thanks!Cathy Runk
The Troop has started a Facebook page for general information about the Troop and promotion. Check it out at Troop 194 Flemington NJ . Please join, comment and invite friends, interested youth who might be interested in Scouting.
Ed Morris is also looking for someone willing to help manage the page with him. If interested, please email him at Ed Morris.
Interested in helping out the scouts? Anyone interested in helping as a leader such as Committee Member or ASM, or just attending campouts with the Troop as an adult must have Protecting God’s Children training. Please contact our Charter Representative, Kelly Gillespie as a first step.
PHOTO ALBUMS:2019 – 2020 – Year in Review: Click Here.Nov. 2020 – 5-Mile Hike Campout: Click Here.Nov. 2020 – Walnut Brook Preserve Trees: Click Here.Oct. 2020 – COPE Outing at Ockanickon: Click Here.Sept. 2020 – Bike Ride on D&R Canal Tow Path: Click Here.Sept. 2020 – TP194 Court of Honor: Click Here.Sept. 2020 – TP194 2019-20 Year in Review: Click Here.Feb. 2020 – Cast Iron Chef: Click Here.Jan. 2020 – Klondike Derby: Click Here.Oct. 2019 – C.O.P.E. Outing with Cubs: Click Here.Sept. 2019 – AJ Meerwald Sailing Trip: Click Here.July 2019 – Summer Camp at Resica Falls: Click Here.
12/12 (Sat): Indoor Climbing Campout (CANCELED)
12/18 (Fri): TP194 Holiday Party at Troop Meeting
1/29-31 (Fri-Sun): Klondike Derby
2/26-28 (Fri-Sun): Cast Iron Chef (Cabin)
3/26-28 (Fri-Sun): Basic Training (Cabin + Lean-To)
4/23-25 (Fri-Sun): Backpacking Outing
5/21-23 (Fri-Sun): Kayaking Trip
5/31 (Mon): Memorial Day Parade
6/4 (Fri): TP194 Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) Elections
6/11-13 (Fri-Sun): Bike Trip to the Antietam National Battlefield
6/19 (Sat): TP194 Softball Game & Picnic
7/11-17 (Sun-Sat): 2021 Summer Camp (Week #3) at Resica Falls
7/2-16Philmont High Adventure Outing
7/22-30Sea Base Trip (Coral Reef Sailing Adventure)
REMINDER: LEADERSHIP ROLESScouts First Class and above who want to advance need to hold approved leadership positions in the Troop. You can download the Scout Leadership Positions Application, or talk with the Scoutmaster at a meeting.

ADVANCEMENT POLICYAll Scouts seeking a Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review for the Star, Life and Eagle rank shall be prepared to do the following reasonable expectations before seeking a Scoutmaster Conference or Board of Review:
1.  Demonstrate Scout Spirit as well as the rank requirements.
2.  Demonstrate responsibility by attending a minimum combination of 50% of the Troop meetings and PLC meetings. Attendance in full uniform is preferred. Participation requirements as per Section of the BSA Guide to Advancement.
3.  Participate in three (3) overnight campouts or Troop activities as defined by the Troop. One event MUST be a Camporee. The second MUST be Basic Training. The third campout or activity may be of the Scout’s choice. This must be completed during the Scouting Year running September through July. Summer Camp does not count. A Scout seeking advancement early in the year must have shown that they attended the three campout minimum in the prior year; otherwise, their advancement will be delayed until they show a trend to do so in the new year. Contact Mr. Lederach if you have any questions. These policies are in the Troop manual and are posted on the troop web site ( Uniform requirements are as per Section of the BSA Guide to Advancement.

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