Pack 61 Crossing Over to Trp 194
Troop 194 Leaders and Scouts attended the Pack 61 Crossing Over ceremony in the parking lot of the Flemington Moose Lodge on May 16th. The Troop welcomed 4 new AOL Scouts during a new kind of crossing over ceremony: a Drive Through Crossing Over. The AOL Scouts and their families stayed in their cars and drove forward to their Cub Scout Pack and then to their Troop they declared the intention to join.
Scoutmaster Steve Lederach welcomed the new Scouts and presented them with Troop Neckerchief, Slide, Washington Crossing Council Patch, and Unit Number Patch.
Do you have a Cub Scout who would like to learn more about joining Troop 194? Please contact Scoutmaster Steve Lederach here.
Start your journey to Eagle here:
Tags: Crossing Over, Pack 61, Troop 194